DLA: guidance for adults with an ASD completing the form

The Disability Living Allowance (DLA) form can be an intimidating form to complete. Below are some general tips to consider when filling in the form. At the bottom of this web page there is a form you can download, fill in and send off with your completed DLA application form to provide the decision maker with further information on your condition and the extra support you need.

How do I apply for DLA?

You can request a DLA application form through the following methods:

The form should be dated when it is sent out, if you return the form within six weeks of this date and you are awarded DLA, the award will be backdated to the date you requested the form.

To find out more about DLA and whether you may be eligible please see our information sheet entitled Claiming DLA. This is available by calling the Autism Helpline on 0845 070 4004 (Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm) or emailing

. The information sheet can also be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

Tips for completing the form
The medical visit

Following sending your completed DLA application form off you may receive a letter or telephone call informing you that the DWP (Department for Work and Pensions) will be sending a doctor to your home to do a medical visit. This is to find out further information about your condition and how it affects you. If you refuse to meet with the doctor, your application will be turned down immediately. You can however request that the time is changed if needed, and you can also request to have someone present at the meeting. We would strongly advise you to have a family member or friend with you for the medical visit.

There are two parts to the medical visit. The first part involves the doctor taking a statement from you about your own needs. You will be required to sign this statement if you agree with it. The second part is a report written by the visiting doctor stating what your needs are in their opinion.

Further information

For further information regarding completing your DLA form, please contact one of the following organisations:

Supplementary information

You may wish to use the form available to download at the bottom of this page in 'Related resources' below to support your application. Complete all parts and send it with your completed DLA application form. As well as completing this form, it would be beneficial to have some medical evidence to support your claim. Ask a health professional, such as your GP, psychiatrist or psychologist to write a supporting letter for your claim. Ask them to also send you a copy of the letter they write so that you can keep a copy in your claim file.

DLA application -supplementary information
Useful reading

Disability Alliance: Claiming DLA: a self help guide for disabled people aged 16-64. Available through The Disability Alliance website www.disabilityalliance.org/list4.htm or by calling 020 7247 8776. Priced at £5, or £3 for those on benefits.

Note: the supplementary information form, available to download below, must only be sent to the DLA office with a completed DLA application from. It will not be considered without the other form.

If you require further information please contact the Autism Helpline on 0845 070 4004 or email


The above information is reproduced from S. Donnison & H. Whitehead (2005) Making the best possible DLA claims, for adults with mental health conditions (Benefits and Work). Copyright belongs to Benefits and Work and must not be reproduced without permission. For further information on benefits and work seeBenefits and Work

Last updated: June 2007