Asperger's Syndrome and Place Blindness
Topographic Agnosia with Autistic Spectrum Disorders by Jennifer Copley

It has been estimated that up to one-third of those with AspergerÕs syndrome suffer from topographic agnosia, or place blindness, which causes them to become lost easily. This can happen even in areas they know very well if familiar landmarks change.

The tendency to get lost can be mistaken for absent-minded professor syndrome, as those with AspergerÕs are often easily distracted. It may also be mistaken for laziness Š not bothering to commit routes to memory Š or a lack of directional sense.

A person with topographical agnosia could live in a neighbourhood for years and not recognize local houses if he sees them out of context (i.e., a photo featuring the house on its own). When out on hikes, the place-blind individual might remember particularly special landmarks such as unique bridges or waterfalls, but otherwise be unable to find his way around the woods even on a route he has travelled many times.

Problems Caused by Topographical Agnosia

Topographical agnosia can be extremely frustrating. Sufferers may frequently take wrong turns and arrive late for appointments and social engagements, which causes them to appear inconsiderate or scatterbrained. They also donÕt have the option of changing their usual routes or trying new shortcuts without the risk of getting lost.

Place-blind individuals tend to rely on very specific landmarks such as a particular billboard, telephone booth, or hedge, but if the hedge is cut down or even trimmed differently, the phone booth is removed or painted a different colour, or the billboard changed, the individual may become lost even on a familiar route that she has traversed many times.

Topographical agnosia may occur in conjunction with prosopagnosia, or face blindness, but many of those with place blindness have very good face recognition skills, so having one condition doesnÕt necessarily mean that an individual will have the other. Both conditions run in families, suggesting a genetic component.

Interestingly, while many of those with topographical agnosia have a poor directional sense or impaired map reading ability, some are strong in these skills and have only impaired place or landmark recognition. Thus far, there has not been much research conducted into the condition, particularly among those with ASD.

Strategies for Coping with Topographical Agnosia

The following strategies can be helpful in preventing problems caused by topographical agnosia:


Farah, M.J. (2004). Visual Agnosia. Cambridge: The MIT Press.

Lawton, S., & Reichenberg-Ullman, J. (2007). AspergerÕs Syndrome: Natural Steps Toward a Better Life. Greenwood Publishing Group.